
It's all gone A over T

I must of hopped of the plane and landed in Topsy-turvy land when I moved to the States. Didn't think the subtle differences would be such a shock to the system, especially having been to America before.

For instance...
- Changing from the Metric to Imperial measurements: how many sq. ft. in a gl? I think 5 oz.
- Driving on the other side of the road: turning on the wipers instead of the blinkers
- Centigrade to Fahrenheit: 35 degrees sure feels different here than in QLD
- Forgetting to tip at restaurants: unintentionally messing with livelihoods of hard working Mexicans
- Being expected to communicate in Chinese at work: even the Koreans and Vietnamese do it better than me
- All the hip girls and their UGG boots: they were so 2003, lame!
- Getting charged for incoming calls & txt on the "cell" phone: hate those telemarketing dickheads who call you and eat up minutes on your plan

I guess it's just time to nut up or shut up and embrace the BBQ'd Texan goodness!

1 comment:

  1. I must of hopped of the plane and landed in Topsy-turvy land when I moved to the States. Didn't think the subtle differences would be such a shock to the system, especially having been to America before. wine buy online
