
Transgression: (noun) American ignorance

I'm not entirely sure about the legitimacy of this report, but apparently, the everyday American does not know the meaning of the word, transgression.  ninemsn.com.au reports that there was a flood of internet searches for the definition of the word transgression after Tiger Woods made a public apology on his extramarital affairs.

For a country well known for their Bible-thumpers and conservative Christian views, this comes as a complete shock to me. I'd imagine transgression would be tops on their list of vocab. This just comes to show that 1. Americans don't really listen to sermons when they go to church, and 2. The SAT vocab test is rubbish. Yes, I'm still bitter I did poorly on my SAT's, but I always suspected that it was a bogus way to test knowledge on the English vocabulary. How can millions of students do well on SAT's and grow up to not know what transgression is?

*Note: The news report doesn't say how internet search engines measures searches coming from the U.S. IP addys? It could very well be the millions of Tiger's international fans that were trying to look up the definition of transgression.

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